Saturday, September 25, 2010

My posting for this week

Reading Notes

Data Compression (Wikipedia article)

Usually I am able to understand articles on Wikipedia, and this was no exception.  The basic point, as I understood it, is Lossless vs. Lossy compression.  I'll have to read it a couple more times to make sure that I understand it fully.

Data Compression Basics (Parts 1-3)

At first I thought that I wouldn't have trouble understanding the content of these files, especially when the author states at the beginning that "I have tried to use language accessible to anyone without sacrificing....correctness and thoroughness of the information provided."  I was OK until he got into the really technical stuff, and then it was over my head.  As with the Wikipedia article, I understood the basics.  Originally I printed the article, but the printout cut off some of the words, so I ended up reading it online, which gave me a huge headache!!!

Imaging Pittsburgh:  Creating a Shared Gateway to Digital Image Collections of the Pittsburgh Region

This article was really interesting.  I went to the website, and it is awesome!  There are thousands of pictures, and a lot more contributors than there were when the article was written.  I was very impressed, not only with the website itself, but with all of the work that Galloway details in his article.  There are definitely good things as well as challenging things in the process of collaboration.

YouTube and Libraries

This is a really great idea.  I never thought about the power of YouTube to help libraries, but it sounds as though there could be many options for a library to utilize this powerful media outlet, from letting people know what's going on at the local library to giving guided online tours.  The possibilities are many.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 3 Muddiest Points

I just listened to the lecture, and thought that things were very clear.  I also had no problems with the readings for this week.  So I don't have any muddiest points for this week.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My postings to other student's blogs

Weekly Readings

Intro to Linux

I thought that this was an interesting article, though a bit hard to comprehend at times.  Linux sounds like a good system, and it's somewhat surprising to learn that a lot of people don't use it.  Perhaps this is because Microsoft Windows has a monopoly on the market, or because very few people have heard of it, or perhaps people are concerned about the fact that it is Open Source software, which could potentially be infected.  I also read a little bit more about it in the Discovering Computers 2011 textbook, and learned that Mozilla uses Linux.  So perhaps more of us use it for certain programs than we realize.

What is Mac OS X

Huh?  This article went right over my head.  I read it twice to try to get at least a small grasp of what the article was saying, but that didn't help much, either.

What is Mac OS X (Wikipedia)

I did find the Wikipedia article on the Mac OS X operating system to be a little easier to comprehend, a little bit more reader friendly. So that helped.  For me, it would be easier to see the system demonstrated so that I could gett a better understanding of it.  I am a visual learner.  I think that's one reason why I like the textbook--there are lots of pictures so that I can see what they are talking about.

An Update on the Windows Roadmap

I liked this article, and thought that the history it covered was interesting.  I also enjoyed the comments (and sometimes intense discussions) of the bloggers.  They definitely have some strong opinions, and are not afraid to state them.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 2 Muddiest Point

So far I think I'm understanding everything, and don't really have a muddiest point this week.  I will say that reading the book has been a great help.  I'm glad I purchased it!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Week 2 Notes

Computer Hardware

Since I have no background in computers, I found this article difficult to understand.  Certainly I've heard of many of the components, and thought that I had some idea of what they do, but looking at the definitions I realized that I know a lot less than I thought I did.  This is something that I'll have to explore further to make sure I understand.  Perhaps the optional textbook will give me further information.

Moore's Law

I thought that this article was very interesting.  It's amazing to me how people are able to predict the future far in advance, and even more interesting to see that it is coming true.

Computer History Museum

Wow--this place is amazing!  I didn't have a long time to look at everything, but I will definitely be going back to view things more in-depth.

Week 1 Muddiest Point

I don't really have a muddiest point for this week.  I think that I understood everything pretty well!

Week 1 Notes

OCLC Report

I found this report very interesting, especially the point about consumers being "format agnostic". The content is what they want, regardless of how they get the content (web, book, etc.). As someone who grew up in a time long before computers were in use by the general population, I love nothing more than sitting down to read a book. But I also love being able to do research on the web, in part because it is easily accessible and less time consuming than going to the library.
Clifford Lynch article
I hadn't ever really thought about information technology and information technology literacy, but this easy to read article really gave me something to think about.  It is certainlly good to have the basic information literacy skills, but taking it up a level is even better.
Lied Library @ Four Years
This article was extremely interesting to me.  As someone who has never worked in a library, I wasn't aware of all the time, planning, and especially money that goes into all of the technology, not only at the beginning but as time goes on and new technology becomes available.  I was amazed to see how many times in only 4 years their system had been upgraded.  Wow!
Brandt article
This article was similar to the Lynch article, and also posed some interesting points.  New worlds are opening up for me!